Dancing wise I'm working with my coach to create a showcase routine to perform in front of whoever the hell will watch us.
There are three types of routines I do in ballroom. The first are my competition routines. Mostly my coaches can teach me whatever choreography they want from any grade of ballroom dancing (bronze, silver, gold etc). Most competition choreography is open level so this is a great chance for me to expland my horizons.
The second are my routines for medal or grading exams. These exams have very specific rules about what school figures or steps I am allowed to do based on the grade. This time I will be taking my silver ballroom and silver latin exams.
The third is showcase. Showcase routines are a great opportunity to do things you are not allowed to do in competion or medal. For example in competition and medal exams dancers are prohitibed from breaking frame or lifts.
I've had some input to the choreography. We started with tango then expanded from there. It's been an interesting experience so far. I haven't choregraphed anything since I was 18 and working on comteporary ballet.
Makeup wise I'm about to edit my TMI video after being tagged by the lovely Jyukimi. I have a few other vids that I have filmed weeks ago but never uploaded.
I'm noticing now that I'm able to garner followers of my own without jumping into facebook groups like I was before. Having said that I would still like to have that kind of exposure.
Well that's it for today
Much love
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